We recommend the following websites for up to date information regarding Montessori research, outcomes, ongoing developments and a great deal of other interesting work.
Please do get in touch if we can help you with further information, these are good starting places although please note we are not responsible for the content of any links:
Our record keeping system is Montessori Compass
AMI Talks – The Global Path of Montessori
"Save the date: 6 January! The day marks the opening of the first Casa dei Bambini in San Lorenzo, Rome. At AMI we traditionally mark that day – and one of our newer traditions is that we host an AMI Talk."
Association Montessori International (AMI) is the worldwide organisation from which we at Brighton & Hove Montessori School derive our Montessori training.
Projects through Education Sans Frontier have been and continue to be inspiring evidence of how Montessori works from the ground up and is, among other things, a Capabilities approach.
www.montessori-ami.org with a selection of AMI weekly digests available here.
Public Montessori in Action (montessori-action.org)