Reporting an absence
If your child is going to be absent you must let the office know before 9am on every day that your child is absent.
You can do this by telephone 01273 702485 or email
Please report absences to the office via phone call or email, even if you have mentioned it to the lead teacher or a member of staff at the gate. Please note that any absence you have not told the school about will be unauthorised.
The absence will be authorised if your child is unwell or if your child has a medical appointment. If your child gets better during the day, you are welcome to bring them in to school at this point. If your child has vomited or has had diarrhoea, you should keep them off school for 48 hours afterwards.
Please try and make doctor and dentist appointments for after school where possible.
At Brighton & Hove Montessori School we believe that children should enjoy learning, experience success and realise their full potential. Our Attendance Policy reflects this and recognises that regular attendance has a positive effect on the motivation, behaviour, socialisation and attainment of children. Absence from School affects the pattern of a child’s sense of being part of their community and regular absence and / or regular late drop-off may affect their learning. Government regulations are that all schools promote good attendance and reduce absence, including persistent absence, and to act early to address patterns of absence.
Parents and carers are expected to ensure their children of compulsory school age (over 5 years old) who are registered at school attend regularly and are on time to give every child the best educational experience possible.
If you have any further queries, or would like to talk to someone about your child’s attendance, please see Gerry, Head of School.
Attendance guides